A new pedagogical model - strengthen focus prior to learning
Owl’s Learning Centre is a traditional private tutorial centre that adopts modern pedagogical theory. In particular, we believe that it is vital to strengthen student's attention and concentration - otherwise, students will be wasting their time, and their parents will be wasting their money. In view of this we have developed a new pedagogical principle - we aim to enhance our students’ mental focus immediately prior to engaging them in learning activities. Our experienced tutors utilise the latest advancements in childhood and educational psychology to heighten our students' powers of concentration at the beginning of each class, enabling them to learn more efficiently and effectively.
Owl’s Learning Centre (禹程教育) 致力為傳統補習模式帶來新氣象。我們相信,專注力在學習過程中尤為重要,否則學生付出的時間、家長付出的金錢只會白白浪費,因而開創出「提升專注力在先、學習在後」的教學方法,由具多年院校教學經驗的導師運用兒童及教育心理學技巧,針對性提升學生的專注力後才進行授課,讓學習更有效率。
本中心聘有多名以英語為母語、具海外大學資歴的外藉導師(NET teacher)為學生營造全英語的教學環境,語文課程均屬小班教學,令導師更能照顧每名學生的獨特需要。針對幼兒期是學習語文最容易吸收的年紀,本中心採用「圖像英語(Letterland)」教材,以活躍輕鬆的材教循序漸進帶領孩子認識英語英語字音和拼讀方法。